Neil Cavuto: Mr. President, you are the problem! - Fox News - Jun 6th 2017 - RankReel - Trending Videos

Neil Cavuto: Mr. President, you are the problem! - Fox News - Jun 6th 2017

Fox News host Neil Cavuto gave President Trump some tough love on Tuesday, criticizing Trump’s use of social media and accusing him of alienating members of his own party.

“Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem. It’s you,” said Cavuto, who has been with Fox since the early days of the network in 1996. "It's not just your tweeting, it's your scapegoating. It's your refusal to see that sometimes you're the one who's feeding your own beast.”

“if he keeps doing what he’s doing, they’re all going to be politically puking next year.”

Cavuto said "Mr. President, they didn't tweet disparaging comments about a London mayor in the middle of a murder spree — you did. They didn't turn on a travel ban that you signed — you did. You're right to say a lot of people are out to get you ... but ... the buck stops with you, Mr. President."

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